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Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing Blog

How to Spot Good Quality Plumbers for Your Plumbing Repair


If you’ve got a plumbing problem, you know you need a skilled professional plumber for the job. But how can you tell if someone is qualified, when the reason you need them is that you aren’t a knowledgeable plumber yourself? We’d like to share some tips for spotting the qualities that make a person a great plumber, so that when you’re trying to choose the right person for the job, you’ll be confident in your selection.


Your plumber should be able to give an up-front estimate of the cost of your plumbing repairs and keep you informed if anything might change the estimate. They should also provide an estimate of when they will arrive and be prompt. When they do arrive, they should be prepared for the job. And while they’re working, they will seem confident and capable, not haphazard and uncertain. 


In addition to respecting your time by being punctual, your professional plumber should respect you by being polite and friendly, and listening to all of your concerns before jumping into action. They will also respect your home, taking steps to avoid making a mess such as removing their boots or putting on plastic booties. They will use dropcloths to protect your floors and furniture, and they will thoroughly clean up after themselves.


Before your appointment, you should feel confident in the communication you’ve had with the plumbing company. If there are changes to the estimate, or if your plumber is going to be late, they should communicate that clearly and respectfully. They should explain the cause of your plumbing problem and what was done to remedy it, as well as making suggestions for how to avoid that problem in the future. And they should always be happy to answer any questions that you have.


Plumbers must spend years in the role of an apprentice to a master plumber before they become qualified. They will be licensed, bonded, and insured. And they are proud of all this hard work. A professional plumber will always be happy to provide their qualifications, showing you that they have the training and the experience to do the job right.


One glaring difference between a professional plumber and an unqualified property management worker is the equipment they have access to. Plumbing requires an extensive array of specialized tools. Some of the most effective, such as a hydro jetting machine for blasting clogs from your drains with pressurized water, can be dangerous if they are handled without the proper training. Your professional plumber will have both the equipment and the training to use it safely.

Taking Responsibility

Because home plumbing systems are complex and finicky, there are occasions when something goes wrong despite your plumber’s training, experience, and equipment. When this does occur, a truly excellent plumber will immediately take responsibility, explain the situation, and take whatever steps are necessary to make things right.

If you’re looking for the best plumbers in Tucson, who have all these great qualities, look no further.

Contact Picture Rocks Cooling, Heating & Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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