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Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing Blog

“Should I Repair or Replace?”

Inside a gas furnace. Focus = the top of the middle flange. 12MP camera.

Your home’s heater isn’t exactly checking all the boxes you want it to lately. You’re not as warm as you could be, you’re spending more money than you’d like to, and you’re just overall underwhelmed with the service you’re receiving. You’re at a crossroads: you’re not sure if you should repair or replace.

We’re going to give you some helpful guidelines. We know that it can be a confusing process, so if you’d like more personalized, one-on-one service with a heating technician, then contact us today. We’re here whenever you need heating replacement or heating repair in Tucson, AZ.

How to Determine Your Next Steps

Here are helpful guidelines to determine whether you need heating repair or replacement work.

You Should Repair

These are the signs you should repair your heater:

You Notice Odd Noises

Your heater sounds like it’s trying to become personified. It’s like any day now you’re going to have a robot roaming around your home. There are clicking sounds, scraping noises, and even bumps and bangs. All of these noises mean that your heater has some other troubles on the way. The sounds are the warning sign.

Your Heater Smells Terrible

Your heater smells like it’s burning, musty, or like there’s mold when you run it. It’s only gotten worse as time goes on and the temperature gets colder. This means that the problem is only going to mount with time. Bad scents indicate potential health issues because they often stem from carbon monoxide or mold problems. Don’t ignore these problems.

You’re Never Warm Enough

You notice that no matter what you do, you’re just never warm enough. It’s to the point where you feel like no amount of maintenance, changing of a filter, or adjustment of a thermostat can give you the service you’re looking for. This means it’s time to pass the baton to a professional who can take care of your system.

You Should Replace

These signs are a little more pressing. When you experience these problems, you should contact a professional for replacement services:

You’ve Had Your Heater for Longer Than 10 Years

How long have you had your home’s heater? If you’ve had it for about a decade, then it means you need to swap this system out soon. Your heater is intended to last about a decade. The performance will definitely start to waver the longer you have it in your home. That’s why it’s worthwhile to prepare for an investment in a new system now.

You Repair Your Heater Often

You should never repair your home’s heater more than once every few years. If each winter brings a heating repair problem right along with the cold weather, then you need to call us to start the replacement process.

You’ve Been Paying High Energy Bills for a While Now

Your heating bills seem to be sky-high from the moment fall arrives until the last second of winter. It just seems like your heater has gotten more expensive as time goes on. This is a clear sign of a failing heater that is showing clear signs of poor performance.

Contact Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing for your heating services.

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