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Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing Blog

What to Expect When You Schedule AC Repair


Of course, it would be wonderful if appliances always operated smoothly and nothing ever went wrong. But complex systems like air conditioners have many components that can encounter problems, and even the best air conditioner will occasionally need repairs. When that does happen, make sure to get repairs done promptly, so the problem doesn’t worsen.

If you’re not sure what to expect when a technician comes to repair your AC unit, you’ll be better prepared once you’ve read this.


As we said, it’s important to get repairs done without delay, so we will try to schedule your appointment for AC repair in Tucson, AZ as soon as possible. We will give you a window of time during which your technician will arrive, and we pride ourselves on being punctual.


Your technician’s first order of business is determining the exact cause of your air conditioner’s trouble. They will likely inspect both the indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner to make sure they have all the facts, because sometimes a specific symptom could have a variety of potential causes.


It’s critical for you to be part of the process at this point. Your technician will explain exactly what’s gone wrong with your AC unit and the steps they will need to take to correct it, as well as giving you a clear estimate of your repair bill. We always strive to be as transparent as possible, but if you have any questions or want more information, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re always happy to help homeowners better understand their home comfort systems.


This is when the job gets done. The area will be prepared to protect your home, using drop cloths if necessary. The offending components will be repaired or replaced, your air conditioner will be reassembled, and then the technician will run it for a few minutes to make sure it’s working exactly as it should. It’s our mission to provide repairs that last, so we will take the time to ensure that nothing else is wrong.

How to Streamline the Process

There are a few things you can do to make the repair go more quickly and easily. First, make sure the way to both the indoor and outdoor units is clear and that there’s space around them for the technician to work. Second, gather any paperwork you have from the installation of the air conditioner and any previous maintenance or repairs it has received, which could be quite helpful in the diagnostic process. Third, shut your pets in another part of the house, so they won’t be poking curious noses into your open AC unit or trying to escape out the door. 

Reducing the Need for Repair

While we’re happy to fix your air conditioner when something goes wrong, you’ll be happier if that’s not necessary. The best way to reduce the need for AC repairs is with annual maintenance, which can catch tiny issues before they become significant problems and reduce wear and tear by removing dust and grime and lubricating moving parts.

Contact Picture Rocks Cooling, Heating & Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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