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Got an Old AC? Great Reasons to Upgrade to a New One at the End of the Year


If you’ve got an air conditioner that’s past its prime, you might be thinking that you’ll consider getting a new one in the spring, before the weather gets hot. That’s definitely an option, but it might not be your best option. There are some very good reasons to consider choosing a new AC system now and getting it installed this fall. Here are some factors to weigh.

Is It Really Time to Replace?

What AC units should definitely be replaced? An air conditioner more than ten years old, one which has required frequent small repairs in recent years, one which is in need of a big repair now, or one which is under ten years old but has never had routine maintenance done (thus leading to more repairs and earlier retirement). 

One measure is the 5,000 Rule: multiply the age of the unit by the cost of the repair it needs. A five-year-old unit needs a $500 repair? 2,500 means AC repair in Tucson, AZ is worthwhile. But if a ten-year-old unit needs that same repair, you’ve hit 5,000, and should start considering replacement.

Another reason to replace is efficiency. Today’s AC units are incredibly efficient compared to those that were brand-new several years ago. Advances in refrigerant coil materials, variable-speed motors, and multi-phase compressors mean that a new unit would use dramatically less energy than your aging one.

Should an Installation Be Done in Fall?

While you certainly can wait, autumn AC purchases and installations do come with some significant benefits you shouldn’t dismiss too quickly.

  • Scheduling: AC technicians are very busy in the spring. A lot of people schedule their maintenance for that season, some realize that AC repairs are urgently needed, and a lot of installations happen then, too. In the fall, it’s much easier to make an appointment that conveniently fits into your busy calendar.
  • Time: When you’re not frantically trying to make sure you get some sort of AC system in place as the spring weather gets hotter and hotter, you’ll have time to carefully consider your decisions about what to purchase. And if your top choice needs to be special-ordered, you’ll have time for that, too.
  • Air Quality: Your old AC unit is full of a year’s worth of dust (or more, depending on when you had maintenance). Worse, the condensate pan and drainage line may have stagnant water that can grow bacteria and mold throughout the winter. Instead of letting that sit around contaminating the air you breathe and creating unpleasant smells, you could have a sparkling-clean, brand-new unit in its place.
  • Peace of Mind: There’s no need to spend the winter worrying about what AC unit to choose or whether you’ll be able to get an installation appointment. You certainly don’t need to be wondering if your old air conditioner will be able to work if you can’t get the new one in time. With a new unit, you can relax and forget about it.

Whatever service you need—maintenance, repair, or replacement—autumn is a great time to sort out your air conditioning.

Contact Picture Rocks Cooling, Heating & Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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